Stop Horses from Being Victims of Abuse and Torture in Bullfights!
28,122 signatures toward our 50,000 Goal
Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site
There's no way to have a humane bull fight. The solution is to ban this cruel 'entertainment' to save horses and bulls!
Tell the Prime Minister of Spain and Minister of Culture to ban bullfighting to save horses and bulls. Animal abuse is not entertainment!
200 horses die every year after being gored by a bull. [1] Hundreds more are injured and forced to re-enter the bull ring to face another bull. Those horses tremble with fear.
A horse is a prey animal that relies heavily on their senses to react to situations. Horses in bullfighting have all their senses dulled or removed before being used as a height advantage for the bullfighters. Old horses who were loyal companions are blind-folded, have cotton stuffed in their ears so they cannot hear, chemicals rubbed in their nostrils, and vocal chords cut so they cannot cry out when gored by the bull. [2] The horse can only feel the force that is hitting him but does not know why or where it is coming from to avoid it.
Countless graphic videos show horses being gored by bulls. [4] Some horses are then beaten until they get back on their feet. Bullfighting needs to end for the sake of all animals involved.
90% of French territories have made bullfighting illegal. "The abrogation of bullfighting from the list of France's cultural patrimony, obtained after four years of fierce judicial battle is a victory without precedence in the history of abolition in our country," states Jean-Pierre Garrigues, president of CRAC Europe, the leading French anti-bullfighting organization. "It's a major blow to animal torturers and this gives us the energy to pursue our goal: the definite and total abolition of bullfighting, this barbarian practice that is condemned by three-fourths of the French." [3]
France sees bullfighting for what it really is and made a change to improve animal welfare for the country. This is a model for Spain to follow.
"It is torture- not art or culture!" is the chant that animal activist chant when they protest at bullfights. The protests have increased as more people are against bullfights. A poll revealed that 71% of Spanish people oppose bullfighting. [5] Listen to the people!
Sign now to tell Spain that this needs to end now! Horses are companion animals and do not deserve to be treated this way.
More About This Issue
[1] Carmody, S. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2017, from
[2] (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2017, from
[3] Victory for French anti-bullfighting activists. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2017, from
[4] K. (2011, December 04). Bull fight 11.30 (1) hurt horse.AVI. Retrieved November 08, 2017, from
[5] Poll reveals sharp drop in Spanish support for bullfighting. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2017, from
The Petition:
To the Prime Minister of Spain, and the Minister of Culture:
Bullfighting needs to end immediately! No animal deserves to be tortured and gored. Animal abuse is not entertainment!
I urge you to end bullfighting for the horses' and bulls' sake. Horses and bulls are not aggressive animals and forcing them to fight for their lives is not entertainment. Removing a horse's senses and then sending them into the ring as a pawn is unacceptable.
Horses are loyal companions that deserve respect. Many countries and cities have already banned bullfighting because it is a gruesome event. "It is torture- not art or culture!" A poll revealed that 71% of Spanish people oppose bullfighting. Listen to the people!
Your swift action on this matter will save many horses and bulls from cruel and painful deaths. Spanish culture is full of other traditions that do not hurt animals so please end this event for good.