King Charles Cavaliers rescued from breeding kennels

We rescued Digby (blenheim) at age 6 and a half years of age. He was deaf and was shooting blanks. As a showdog and sire he became of no use to the kennels. He is now 13 and very happy.

Zoe (tricolour) was about 2 years and had lost two litters (all died) she would have died had she gone thru another litter. We thought she could be Digby's ears. She is overweight (hormonal and no idea of how to play) but happy and now 8. They both get on so well together.
Apparently, they euthanase dogs they cannot breed from unless they are found new homes. Digby was a showdog in Queensland and was sent to Perth WA for more breeding and very much loved throughout his doggy career. His new kennel breeder wanted a good home found for him and we had to have an interview before we were chosen to be his new owner. In fact Digby chose us as out of 30 puppies and dogs he was the one to come and sit amongst us on our interview day! A nearby breeder offered us Zoe as she had learnt about our adoption of Digby. Zoe and her owner did not get on and I think Zoe was abit naughty because of that. She is very independent and doesn't like too much fuss made of her, unlike Digby who is a real suk!

Carole Seth
Perth, Australia